SoS / Report Methodological notes D. Affordability calculation

D. Affordability calculation

130. Affordability analysis, using average water consumption and average tariff, as collected through SoS data collection. In order to assess the potential affordability constraints for average household incomes, the following sets of data were used. The online World Bank Dataset provided data regarding the mean consumption or income per capita for total population and for bottom 40% of population (2011 PPP $ per day). Data from EUSILD (2017) and from the World Bank Dataset (2014; 2017) were used to assess the number of persons per household. The average consumption expressed in liter per capita per day, as collected by the Danube Water Program State of the Sector, was then used to assess the average yearly water consumption of a household in each country. This value was then multiplied by the average water and wastewater tariff, as collected by the Danube Water Program State of the Sector, and compared to the household yearly mean consumption or income for both total population and bottom 40%. For comparison and consistency purposes, this methodology was applied backwards to DWP SoS 2015 data. This scenario assumes that all households would be covered with public water and wastewater services in the country under equal conditions and without taking into consideration differences in price and income elasticities. This hypothetical scenario provides an upper benchmark of potential affordability constraints, should full coverage of services be pursued..
